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About Us

The Social Policy and Action Organization is a voluntary, non-profit organization (No.4146) established in in August 2014 in Cyprus. The aim of the Organization is to enhance the quality of life of people through the development, implementation and promotion of social policies and good practices aimed at inclusion, social integration, active citizenship, and solving social needs and problems. The Organization's programmes and actions are related to social welfare, health, employment, family, protection of human rights, education, socialisation, culture, environment, sports, and social protection.

The activities of the Organisation are designed under two pillars: A) Development of social policy recommendations related to different social issues of common concern. B) Design and implementation of Actions, Projects and Programmes targeting specific social problems, aiming at combating or reducing negative societal challenges or consequences.

​The Organization, within its programmes also operates two Centers a) the Centre for Prevention, Information and Awareness entitled “React Act Prevent Sexual Violence”, which focuses on primary prevention actions, including awareness workshops and seminars for NGOs, governmental officers, parents, children and young people, awareness events and campaigns and others and b) The Social Support Office for Marathasa Region was established by the Social Policy and Action Organization with aim to provide any social support or/and other related social services to the people living in the villages Pedoulas, Moutoullas, Kalopanayiotis, Oikos, Gerakies.

Target Groups

The actions and activities of the Social Policy and Action Organization target all people in general, without any discrimination, despite race, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual orientation. The organization mainly targets people and groups with fewer opportunities, who are a disadvantageous state to peers, as they face one or more of the situations and obstacles which prevent their inclusion in the society. These groups include among others:

  • Children and Young People

  • Senior Citizens

  • Single-parent and multi-parent families

  • People with physical or/and mental and other disabilities

  • Asylum seekers, Detainees, Migrants

  • Survivors of gender-based violence

  • People and groups in poverty

  • Other groups with fewer opportunities facing danger of social exclusion

In addition, the following groups are also targeted:

  • Professionals working on designing and applying social policies at any sector.

  • Academics, researchers and others involved in developing social policy recommendations

  • Government officials, policy makers, MPs and other involved in social policy making procedures

  • Journalists and media professionals interested in social policy issues.

  • Other NGOs and representatives

  • Youth workers, youth leaders, youth policy professionals and youth volunteers.


  • Design and implementation of academic research and surveys related to social policy related issues;

  • Registration and monitoring of social policy related legislations and directives adopted in Cyprus and European Union;

  • Conduct research studies to register methods, effective practices and actions implemented in other countries to combat various social problems;

  • Promotion of new policies, systems and practices proved to be contribute towards combating various social problems;

  • Design and implementation of projects contributing towards combating identified social problems, supporting vulnerable groups, promoting human rights, combating all kinds of discriminations in all levels of the society and promoting equal opportunities for all;

  • Provision of support, empowerment and enhancement of the quality of life of vulnerable groups through the implementation of innovative projects and actions;

  • Awareness raising, dissemination of information and organization of social campaigns regarding social policy issues;

  • Establishment of a network with organizations, government authorities and public companies on a national and international level, involved in social policy issues, aiming at exchange of knowledge, social policies and good practices;

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