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Within the framework of the project "React Act Prevent Sexual Violence Through Youth Work" funded by Erasmus+

React Act Prevent Sexual Violence in Fashion Industry

React - Act - Prevent Sexual Violence in Fashion Industry!
Women working in clothing and shoe factories in third countries, and not only, the likelihood of large well-known companies in the US and Europe, are experiencing systematic sexual harassment and violence in their work on a daily basis. Volunteers from the Social Policy and Action Organization, will take part in the innovative Fashion Awareness Festival @ AGORA PROJECT, to be held from 19th to 21st of April, at the Municipal Market of Nicosia, Square of the Town Hall.

React Act Prevent Sexual Violence Awareness Event

During an Awareness Event organized on 21st April 2019, at Nicosia, Cyprus, young volunteers of the Social Policy and Action Organization sent strong messages against sexual violence and every kind of violence! Well done to their initiative! #ReactActPrevent Sexual Violence #Speak4No #TapeItChallenge #YouthWorkChallenge #ErasmusPlus #SocialPolicyActionOrg Thank you to the organizers of the Fashion Awareness Festival at Agora Project for their support to the projects and activities of the Organization. 

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